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With a proven record of accomplishments for the town,

Tom still knows there's work to be done and remains committed

to keeping Orangetown an ideal place to live, work, and raise a family.


If re-elected, here's what Tom will do in his next term:


  • South Nyack Consolidation: I have worked with the Town Board and Village of South Nyack for the last year to guide the Town and Village of South Nyack in the Consolidation and absorption of the Village of South Nyack government by the Town of Orangetown.  In the coming year, I will be focusing on revising the Town Zoning Code to reflect the absorption of South Nyack’s unique properties and will insure that the zoning Code is enforced in South Nyack.

  • HNA Property:  In 2020, the Town started the process to determine what the (next) best use (or uses) would be for the HNA property. The Town sent out a Request for Proposal and interviewed potential purchasers for said property and preferred purchaser was eventually selected.  Going forward, I with the rest of the Town Board, plan to play an integrate role in the re-development and zoning of this property to insure that the property development fits in with the community and the conservative land use practices of the Town of Orangetown.

  • Review and “reset” zoning rules:  Zoning and codes should be both easy to follow and strictly enforced.  The Town needs conduct a full review of our town code as relates to zoning and usage and craft a new unified code that will prevent overdevelopment while greatly reducing or eliminating the need for exceptions or appeals to be granted, as once such exceptions are granted one time unscrupulous developers are able to cite that precedent to anything they want to be built regardless of the law.  This will serve to hit “reset” on that legal precedent so there are no loopholes to exploit.

  • Rezone remainder of RPC property:  I will work with the Town Board to rezone the remainder of the RPC property that is owned by New York State to data center/office park use in order to ensure that if the state decides to sell it off, it attracts buyers who are looking to get that type of project put in place, as opposed to buyers who intend to put high-density housing in.

  • Complete the sale of and development of the remaining RPC property: Although we have accomplished a great deal with the RPC property in the last four years (Chase and NYC Football Club), the Town needs to continue the development of the Rockland Psychiatric Center property in accordance with the conservative land use development practices that Orangetown is known for (low density housing, low impact on the surrounding hamlets, limited non-age restricted housing that will not impact surrounding school districts).  The Town will need to designate lands that will remain parkland, work on a waterfront park and determine which parcels shall be marketed and sold.  

  • Remain under the Tax Cap:   One of my proudest accomplishments on the Town Board is that Orangetown has stayed under the tax cap for seven straight years, my entire term.  I will work with the rest of the Town Board to remain under the tax cap to insure our residents can continue to afford to live in the Town of Orangetown.

  • Develop the IRG/Pfizer Campus: During the time of have been an Orangetown Town Board Member, the Town has suffered through the loss of  its largest employer/taxpayers, namely Pfizer.  I will work with the Town Board and IRG to develop the IRG property  in accordance with the conservative land use development practices that Orangetown is known for (low density housing, low impact on the surrounding hamlets, limited non-age restricted housing that will not impact surrounding school districts). 

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